Monday, August 27, 2012

2014 Reunion Date

Everyone please mark your calendars!!!
The next Pratt Family Reunion will be in Utah and the date is:
JULY 11-12, 2014
(Friday and Saturday)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Minute To Win It!

(Pink Elephant Game)

What a wonderful reunion we had last week!!
So many people came and there was so much love and fun! I hope you were all able to get to know a little more family. Also, get to know your ancestors a little better, and especially have a good time.

A big THANK YOU to all who helped with putting it together! Everyone was very willing to help with anything they were asked.

Several people have asked about where to find the Minute To Win It games and information, so I figured I would just put it here on the blog where everyone will have access to it.

(Elephant March)

Click HERE to go to the challenge video clips.

Click HERE to go to a blog that has a great supply list, as well as game score cards (we didn't use them, but they would be great for a smaller group).

Click HERE to go to the youtube video with the timer I used.

And here is a list of the games we used for which age group, and the supplies needed:

Minute To Win It Games/Age Groups

7-12 Age Group:
    1. Hanky Panky: 160 count box of tissues
    2. Dizzy Mummy: rolls of toilet paper

12-18 Age Group:
    1. Noodling Around: 1 bag penne pasta, 1 bag spaghetti
    2. Chocolate Unicorn: Ding Dong snack cakes

18-30 Age Group:
    1. Extreme Nutstacker: chopsticks, nuts
    2. Nose Dive: Bag of cotton balls, jar of KY jelly, bowls

30-50 Age Group:
    1. Pink Elephant: Slinkys, jock headbands
    2. Elephant March: pantyhose, baseballs, bottles of water

50+ Age Group:
    1. Face the Cookies: box of Oreos (or a like cookie)
    2. Paper Dragon: rolls of streamers (2 per person)

Good luck and have fun!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012



-Survey Deadline
If you have not taken the reunion survey yet please do so as soon as possible! The deadline is by NOON this Thursday, the 21st, then it will be closed. We need the information to get the right number of shirts, and account for how many will be coming.

Here is the link again:


For those getting T-shirts this year please pay for them by next week, Monday the 25th.
Here are the instructions to make a payment online:
1. Go to
2. On the right side of the screen there is a PayPal button to buy your t-shirts. You can enter the amount you are purchasing there. They are $5 each, and you can pay with a PayPal account, Credit Card, or Debit Card.

As an alternative to the PayPal option, you can also send a check.
-Please make it out to: Sunshine Smith
-And mail it to (by Monday the 25th): 6128 W. 9740 N., Highland, UT 84003

REMEMBER that we will only be ordering enough shirts to cover those that requested them in the survey, so if you did not request t-shirts in the survey (which you still have 'till Thursday at Noon to decide), then we won't have shirts for you. If anyone has taken the survey and wants to change their answer regarding shirts, please email me directly or Michelle (aka:Sunshine) Smith. (Our emails are listed in the last email sent)

-Talent Show
For those that would like to be in the Talent Show please email Arisa Sanchez Field at: (again, see email)
We won't be requesting performances from each family this time, since we don't have a lot of time for the talent show this year. But if you would like to do a family performance you are more than welcome to! Anyone interested in doing a talent, please email Arisa by next Monday, the 25th, with the talent you would like to do and your guesstimate of how long it will be. Even if you don't have a talent planned right now, but know you'd like to do one or put one together just send an email with your name and mention the talent show :)


  • Thursday (June 21st) at NOON the survey will close. Please take it before then :)
  • Monday (June 25th) is the deadline to pay for your T-shirts, via PayPal or check.
  • Monday (June 25th) is also the deadline to submit your entry for the talent show. Please share those talents!
Looking forward to seeing so many of you very soon! And to those who can't come, you will be missed!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Reunion Schedule & Survey

Hello Family! 

The upcoming reunion in Utah is going to be so fun. We hope that many of you can make it! We have put in a lot of time to plan it, and just want everyone to be able to enjoy themselves, and get to know more family (and about our family)! 

If you are planning on coming, not coming, or undecided please click the link below and take this quick survey regarding reunion attendance and T-shirts. It's only 7 questions so PLEASE, just do it now. :)

p.s. The T-Shirt will look something like this:

Thursday, April 19, 2012

T-Shirt Contest Winner

Thank you for all your t-shirt entries and votes. We have A WINNER!
Our nominees were:
#1: Rebecca Alvarez (Mike Alvarez - Leonor Alvarez - Ana Marie Taylor)

#2: Harley Smith (Sunshine Michelle Smith - Leonor Alvarez - Ana Marie Taylor)

#3: Harley Smith (Sunshine Michelle Smith - Leonor Alvarez - Ana Marie Taylor)

#4: K.C. Smith (Sunshine Michelle Smith - Leonor Alvarez - Ana Marie Taylor)

#5: Sunshine Michelle Smith (Leonor Alvarez - Ana Marie Taylor)

#6: Savannah Smith (Sunshine Michelle Smith - Leonor Alvarez - Ana Marie Taylor)

#7: Savannah Smith  (Sunshine Michelle Smith - Leonor Alvarez - Ana Marie Taylor)

#8: Savannah Smith  (Sunshine Michelle Smith - Leonor Alvarez - Ana Marie Taylor)
#9: Sunshine Smith (Leonor Alvarez - Ana Marie Taylor)

#10: Crystal Schultz (Leonor Alvarez - Ana Marie Taylor)

Our 2012 Pratt Family Reunion T-Shirt Contest Winner is.....
#10 by Crystal Schultz

P.S.: Be on the lookout for an email with the reunion schedule!

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Welcome to the Harold and Anna Pratt Family Website!!!

*July 13, 2012 is our next family reunion in Pleasant Grove, UT. (Dance on July 12th)

*T-Shirt Design contest is ON!
 - Submit your artwork by April 1, 2012. Everyone is encouraged to submit an entry. Regardless of age or perceived ability. :)
 - The theme is "Nurturing Our Family Tree" (which must appear somewhere in the design), along with the words "Pratt Family" and "2012".
 - Any medium is acceptable but must be scanned and emailed in.
 - The design will be 8 1/2" x 11" so make it at least that big in order for it to retain it's quality.
 - All entries will be posted where we can all vote.

So get your creative juices flowing and submit ASAP.

We have the reunion planned out and plans are moving forward. This is going to be a reunion you DON'T want to miss!

(schedule of events coming soon!)